Minggu, 28 April 2013

Solusi mengatasi Pengeroposan Tulang

Stress, bad mood, depresi memicu pengeroposan tulang, Dua sel yg bertanggung jawab terhadap Tulang adalah sel OSTEOBLAS: membantu penyetoran jaringan tulang baru dan OSTEOKLAS: yang memecah jaringan tulang yang Sudah tua.

Bila kita stress, depresi , bad mood maka hormon kortisol akan meningkat dan menghambat kinerja OSTEOBLAS. Akibatnya kepadatan tulang akan mengalami penurunan dan rentan mngalami osteoporosis. Solusinya atasi stress dengan rekreasi, olahraga; lakukan olahraga yg Anda sukai, sebagai alternatif bisa mencoba Program Goju Training for Mental & Physical Fitness

Dan jangan lupa minumnya " Air Sehat berenergi Kan'gen Water ", minuman Sehat berenergi dengan kandungan pH ALKALI ( mencegah osteoporosis, melemahkan virus penyakit, meringankan kerja kelenjar pankreas sehingga insulin tetap terjaga ), STRONG ANTI OXIDANT ( menetralisir racun, membersihkan usus dan menghambat penuaan ), MICRO CLUSTER mencegah pengentalan darah.

Notes: kangen water dihasilkan dr Mesin LEVELUX SD  501, ex Enagic inc, japan. 

          Info lebih lanjut Presentasi dan Demo test air di tempat silahakn atur waktu nya.

Jumat, 29 Maret 2013


Diverse Bacteria On Fresh Fruits, Vegetables Vary With Produce Type, Farming Practices

Date:28 March 2013
Type:Nutrition & Health News
Source:Nutrition Horizon
Sector:Fruits & Vegetables

28 Mar 2013
Fresh fruit and vegetables carry an abundance of bacteria on their surfaces, not all of which cause disease. In the first study to assess the variety of these non-pathogenic bacteria, scientists report that these surface bacteria vary depending on the type of produce and cultivation practices.

The results are published March 27 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Jonathan Leff and Noah Fierer at the University of Colorado, Boulder.


" KANGEN WATER ": FOODS CAN HELP FIGHT INFLAMMATION: Study: Foods Can Help Fight Inflammation Date: 25 March 2013 Type: Nutrition & Health News ...


Study: Foods Can Help Fight Inflammation

Date:25 March 2013
Type:Nutrition & Health News
Source:Nutrition Horizon
Sector:General Company & Ingredient Information

25 Mar 2013
Inflammation is the body's normal response to injury. While it may be a natural defense system, it can lead to disease development if it becomes chronic. A University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) expert says one way to fight inflammation is with food.

"The inflammation process has one goal: to respond immediately to detect and destroy the toxic material in damaged tissues before it can spread throughout the body," explained Lauren Whitt, Ph.D., UAB Employee Wellness director and adjunct professor of personal health. "The trouble with inflammation occurs when the defense system gets out-of-control and begins to destroy healthy tissue, causing more damage than the original issue."

Obesity has even been found to cause inflammation, and it can lead to the development of cardiovascular and metabolic disease, according to the National Council on Strength & Fitness. But weight loss is related to reduction of inflammation, and Whitt says the right anti-inflammatory foods are the answer.

"I encourage people to focus on eating whole foods and foods that are high in fiber," Whitt said.

Anti-inflammatory foods to try:

- Citrus fruits -- Vitamin C and Vitamin E are essential antioxidants

- Dark, leafy greens -- High in Vitamin K

- Tomatoes -- The fruit's red pigment, lycopene, is a potent antioxidant

- Wild-caught salmon -- Contains a rich concentration of omega-3 fatty acids

Whitt added that eating anti-inflammatory foods should not be viewed as daunting.

"Eating to minimize inflammation doesn't have to be an overwhelming task," she said. "Take baby steps by incorporating leafy greens into a salad at lunch, or add a piece of whole fruit to your breakfast."

In addition, Whitt said to consume more foods straight from the farm, as well as fewer processed and fried foods. Doing so may reduce the need for some medications.

"Americans are constantly on the lookout for a quick-fix, so when our immune systems kick into overdrive, we would generally prefer to pop a pill and keep moving," Whitt said. "But if we focus on our diets, we can alleviate the need for the anti-inflammatory medications in many cases."
Notes : you can find antioxidant in " Kangen Water "