Senin, 24 Juni 2013

Cara sehat menurunkan berat badan, mau?

Air putih menurunkan berat badan?
Hati mengkonversi lemak menjadi bahan bakar. Tanpa asupan air berkualitas yang cukup, ginjal tidak akan berfungsi pada tingkat optimal. Akibatnya hati akan bekerja extra keras untuk membantu ginjal melakukan tugasnya. Akibatnya hati tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik.

Beberapa lemak akan tetap di dalam tubuh dan tidak dapat dikonversi menjadi bahan bakar. Ini yang menyebabkan bertambahnya berat badan.

Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

Minum Kan'gen water setiap hari, aman?

Apakah minum Kangen water ( baca kan'gen ) dalam jangka panjang akan menganggu sistem tubuh?

Tidak! sama halnya kita konsumsi air biasa apakah mengganggu tubuh? Prinsipnya setiap hari, jam, detik kita mngalami oksidasi dari makanan, minuman, udara, stress, obat2xan maka setiap hari pula perlu air minum yg berkualitas tidak sekedar pelepas dahaga.

Air yang berkualitas hanya ada pada kan'gen water karena mengandung pH Basa/alkali, antioxidant tinggi, Micro Cluster.

" Kaya, Sukses hanya bisa terjadi kalo Kita Sehat "

Enagic Global Distributor

Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

" KANGEN WATER ": Children’s “Healthy” Foods Marketed are Higher in ...

" KANGEN WATER ": Children’s “Healthy” Foods Marketed are Higher in ...: Study: Children’s “Healthy” Foods Marketed are Higher in Fat, Sugar and Salt Date: 08 May 2013 Type: Food Ingredients News Sou...

Children’s “Healthy” Foods Marketed are Higher in Fat, Sugar and Salt Date:08 May 2013

Study: Children’s “Healthy” Foods Marketed are Higher in Fat, Sugar and Salt

Date:08 May 2013
Type:Food Ingredients News
Source:Nutrition Horizon
Sector:General Company & Ingredient Information
08 May 2013 --- Foods being marketed to children in UK supermarkets are less healthy than those marketed to the general population according to researchers at the University of Hertfordshire, who question whether more guidelines may be needed in regulating food marketed to children.

With the rise in childhood obesity across Europe, there has been much attention on how governments can reduce the advertising of products with high fat, sugar and/or salt levels, directly to children. Much of the focus has been on snack foods like confectionery and soft drinks. However, this study found that foods marketed to children that are often considered to be ‘healthy’ foods, such as yoghurts, cereal bars and ready meals, were still found to be higher in fat, sugar and salt than those marketed to the general population.

Minggu, 28 April 2013

Solusi mengatasi Pengeroposan Tulang

Stress, bad mood, depresi memicu pengeroposan tulang, Dua sel yg bertanggung jawab terhadap Tulang adalah sel OSTEOBLAS: membantu penyetoran jaringan tulang baru dan OSTEOKLAS: yang memecah jaringan tulang yang Sudah tua.

Bila kita stress, depresi , bad mood maka hormon kortisol akan meningkat dan menghambat kinerja OSTEOBLAS. Akibatnya kepadatan tulang akan mengalami penurunan dan rentan mngalami osteoporosis. Solusinya atasi stress dengan rekreasi, olahraga; lakukan olahraga yg Anda sukai, sebagai alternatif bisa mencoba Program

Jumat, 29 Maret 2013


Diverse Bacteria On Fresh Fruits, Vegetables Vary With Produce Type, Farming Practices

Date:28 March 2013
Type:Nutrition & Health News
Source:Nutrition Horizon
Sector:Fruits & Vegetables

28 Mar 2013
Fresh fruit and vegetables carry an abundance of bacteria on their surfaces, not all of which cause disease. In the first study to assess the variety of these non-pathogenic bacteria, scientists report that these surface bacteria vary depending on the type of produce and cultivation practices.

The results are published March 27 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Jonathan Leff and Noah Fierer at the University of Colorado, Boulder.