Jumat, 28 September 2012

Cancer treatment is about making money...provoking thoughts

I posted this article, which may have some provoking thoughts: The below is absolutely 100% true and as a doctor I have been telling people this for 15 years now. No one wants to listen. Folks need to wake up. Cancer treatment is about making money. It is a 120 billion dollar a year industry in the United States alone and estimated to be a 600 billion dollar a year industry worldwide. A successful cancer case according to the American Cancer Society and the American College of Oncology and Hematology means that the person survives for 5 years. Both the American Cancer Society and the American College of Oncology and Hematology admit that a person is likely to survive cancer for 7 to 10 years even if they do absolutely NOTHING. Of course, only the doctors get those magazines - not you, the cancer patient.

Alternative medicine's track record of curing cancer is 10 times higher than that of conventional medicine. Note that I say CURE. Remember another thing. A TUMOR is just a symptom. It is not the cause of cancer. Science is cause and effect. Remove the cause and the effect disappears. I am in my third battle with cancer right now. I have not done any chemotherapy or radiation or surgery for any of my bouts with cancer. I survived leukemia, I survived Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and now I have Glioblastoma which is supposedly an incurable form of brain cancer. I was given two months to live 5 months ago. I have been using Chinese herbs, high doses of vitamin C, acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy and nutritional changes. Yes, at first it got worse. It had metastasized to my lymph nodes, my lungs and my bones. As of this week, I am happy to say that there is no evidence now of any cancer in my lymph system or my bones. I had 6 tumors in my lungs, now there are only two. The tumors in my brain have shrunken tremendously. I never did any of their chemo, radiation or surgery. Here is a very interesting statistic that you can only have access to by being a doctor. Every year more than 1,000 doctors oncologists (cancer doctors) are diagnosed with cancer. Less than 10% of them choose to do the treatment that they have been giving to their patients. Sort of like the fact that less than 25% of all pediatricians vaccinate their own children because of the fact that the risk of sudden death or serious side effects from the vaccination is higher than the risk of catching the disease one is being vaccinated for. This is not bullshit people - it is truth.


It is most common to begin by setting a low pH level (between pH 8 and pH 9.0), and gradually increasing the amount of intake. After continuing regular intake for about two weeks, gradually adjust the pH level and amount of intake (between pH 9.0-pH 9.5) based on your body needs and physical condition.

The Kangen Water® should be as fresh as possible. For children or seniors, set the pH level at an even lower level upon starting, and gradually increase it as the body adjusts to the current pH level. In the case of infants (until about a year old), since breast milk or milk is the only thing they consume, the intestinal movement is generally different from adults, and the use of Kangen Water® is not encouraged until the infant begins to consume more sophisticated foods. In any case, Kangen Water® should not be used to make powdered milk for infants.

Week 1-2 : Drink 8.5 Kangen Water
Week 3-4 : Drink 9.0 Kangen Water
Week > 5 : Drink 9.5 Kangen Water

1. When you first get up in the morning, drink 1 liter of electron rich alkaline Kangen Water. Drink your water before brushing your teeth. This helps flush out your kidneys, bladder and bowels and rehydrates and energizes or recharges your body with extra electrons.

2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes. After 45 minutes you may eat and drinks as normal.

3. Drink at least 6-8 liters ( base on your weight ...read on for specifics ) of electron -rich , alkaline, structured Kangen Water daily. Drink one 16 ounce glass every hour or 1 liter every 2 hours. You may have to work up to this, but this should be your best case healty goal. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink four glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to four glasses per day. Your stomach, kidneys and bladder will be " happy " to accommodate this effort if you keep at it with determination. If you weigh less than 120 pounds, decrease by about 20% ; if you weigh 190 to 250 pounds, increase about 20 % ; if you weigh more than 250 pounds, increase 30 %.

4. Most scientists agree that it is best to drink half an hour before eating and between meals instead of with your meals. Drink pure, clean water ( neutral PH ) with your meals if needed. You don't want to interfere with the stomach's manufacturing and use of gastric juices important for proper digestion.

5. Drink electron rich, alkaline, Kangen Water at habitual times throughout the day. Don't wait untill you are hungry or thirsty because many times when you feel hungry, your body is really thirsty. Thirst always indicates a present state of mild dehydration.

6. Increase your drinking by drinking at least 1 liter of electron-rich, structured. pH Kangen Water for each one hour of exercise or stresfull mental activity. 7...etc. ( for any further information or data please send your email. )

Salam @sehatsukseskaya, " Kaya itu relative, Sukses itu tujuan hidup semua bisa tercapai bila TUBUH SEHAT "

Michael Enagic
Enagic Global  Distributor


What is Kan'gen water ? please opened http://www.enagic-thang.com/2012/09/kangen-water.html


Kangen water is one of many brand names for so-called alkaline waters promoted as a healthier form of water with significant anti-oxidant properties. It's generally presented as the result of an electrolysis process which separates ordinary water (H20) into two separate entities. One half of the separated water becomes an acidic HO molecule, while the other becomes an alkaline OH molecule. The producers of Kangen water bottle the alkaline OH water for drinking purposes, while the acidic HO molecule is used for topical applications.

The name kangen is Japanese for "return to the origin," which helps to explain the philosophy behind its promotion as a health food. According to one theory, the human body needs both acids and alkalis to properly process foods, make repairs and generally remain in good working order.

Ingesting too many acidic foods and beverages, most notably carbonated soft drinks, can lower the body's natural pH levels to dangerously acidic levels. Kangen water, or other alkaline or ionized waters, could help restore a the body's proper pH level and perhaps even become more alkaline, which would be a positive development, in theory.

Kangen water and other ionized or alkaline water products are also said to have smaller molecules, which means they are more readily absorbed by the body. Ordinary tap water or unprocessed bottled waters have larger water molecules which tend to pass through the body without reaching individual cells. Without proper re-hydration, these cells can suffer from a form of cellular dehydration and either die too soon or fail to function efficiently.

Kangen water is believed to have the ability to rehydrate these cells before they essentially dry out. Kangen water is water that has gone through a Special Electrolysis Process that changes the pH of the water to ALKALINE and much, much more.

Kangen water is also known to have small clusters of 5 to 6 water molecules , as a result of the electrolysis process. Making it a Super Hydrating water. You can taste the difference in your first glass. Tap water is typically 12 to 15 molecules per cluster. That is over double the size of Kangen water. Small clusters also mean that your body can readily absorb the minerals in this water into your cells in mere seconds. Reverse Osmosis, Distilled and tap water will slosh around in your stomach and often flush key minerals out of your body because they lack these important properties. The electrical charge of Kangen machine re-arranges healthy minerals that are naturally included in your tap water. As a result, Kangen water contains essential minerals, such as Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium, in an ionic form that can be assimilated immediately into your body.

Kangen Water® is delicious water created from Enagic's innovative water technology. Not only do these devices filter your tap water, but they also produce ionized alkaline and acidic waters through electrolysis. These waters can be used for various purposes, including drinking, cooking, beauty, and cleaning.

How to drink Kan'gen water, please opened http://www.enagic-thang.com/2012/09/how-to-drink-kangen-water.html

Kangen Water Machine Price list http://www.enagic-thang.com/2017/02/daftar-harga-alat.html

Salam @sehatsukseskaya " Kaya itu relative, Sukes itu tujuan hidup semua bisa tercapai bila TUBUH SEHAT "

Michael Enagic
Enagic Global Distributor
087737835317 ( wa )

Minggu, 23 September 2012


Info terbaru seputar air: kita memang dianjurkan untuk minum air min 2 lt/hari untuk menghindari pengentalan darah. Itu benar dan itu dulu ketika kondisi air masih belum tercemar. Kita memang harus minum air mineral tetapi tidak semua air layak minum.

Minumlah air yang mengacuh kepada " KANGEN WATER " atu " MIRACLE WATER " yaitu air tersebut mengandung karakteristik sebagai berikut :

> Ph basah (max 9.5) kalo ditetes reagent/ ph tester berwarna ungu;

> Molecule cluster/ molecule yang kecil ( celupkan teh olong pd air suhu normal dan teh tersebut akan menyebar walaupun tanpa dipanaskan);

> Mengandung anti oxidant (teteskan betadine sbnyk 3-5 tetes hslnya air tetap jernih ).

Pendapat Para Ahli tentang Kanker / Tumor / Kista
Dr. Otto Warburg, Penemu penyebab kanker pada tahun 1923 dan penerima anugerah Nobel Prize pada tahun 1931 menyatakan bahwa :
“ Semua sel-sel normal memerlukan Oksigen, tetapi sel-sel kanker dapat hidup tanpa Oksigen – satu hukum pengecualian,dari hasil penelitian tersebut disimpulkan bahwa sel kanker tidak dapat berkembang di kondisi tubuh yang kaya oksigen.

Kekentalan darah akibat keasaman tubuh menyebabkan darah kekurangan oksigen, akibatnya banyak organ tubuh yang kekurangan supplai oksigen. Adaptasi sel terhadap lingkungan yang kurang oksigen menyebabkan tumbuhnya kanker / tumor / kista.
Untuk itu diperlukan supplai oksigen yang cukup ke dalam darah. Cara termudah adalah dengan mengkonsumsi air alkali.

Air alkali adalah air minum biasa yang telah melalui proses pemecahan molekul sehingga kandungan oksigennya 2-3x lebih banyak dibanding air biasa. air ini sangat mudah dibuat & sangat baik untuk dikonsumsi sehari-hari.

Dr. Airashi, Ilmuwan Spesialis Kanker dari Jepang

Pada kondisi tubuh yang pH-nya Basa ( 7 - 8 ) sel pada tubuh manusia tumbuh normal, tapi seiring buruknya pola makan & pola hidup, sisa limbah tubuh yang tidak terbuang melalui keringat & urine akan merubah pH tubuh mennjadi asam, pada kondisi tubuh yang asam, sel normal tidak bisa tumbuh, tapi ada beberapa sel yang beradaptasi dan tetap tumbuh tapi berubah menjadi sel kanker.
Walaupun kanker sudah dioperasi, jika kondisi tubuh tetap asam maka sel kanker akan tetap tumbuh subur.
Itu sebabnya kanker umumnya tumbuh lagi setelah dioperasi.
Bila kondisi keasaman tubuh dikurangi, pertumbuhan sel kanker bisa dihambat / dihentikan ,
Saat ini hanya Air Alkaliyang mampumengurangi keasamantubuh dengan cepat

Air alkali mengubah pH tubuh menjadi Basa, melunakkan kolesterol sehingga mudah terbuang keluar tubuh, mengencerkan sel darah darah sehingga limbah tubuh mudah terbuang pula melalui urine.
Dengan air alkali kesehatan jantung, lever, ginjal & darah akan selalu terjaga. Air kangen dalah Rahasia Sehat Sampai Tua.

Informasi selengkapnya mengenai Mesin Pengolah Air Sehat " Kangen Water ", bagaimana cara pengetesan air, demo alat jangan sungkan atur waktu untuk bertemu.

Salam @sehatsukseskaya,

" Kaya itu relatif, Sukses itu tujuan hidup, semua bisa tercapai bila Tubuh Sehat "

For any further info please feel free to contact me.