Rabu, 01 November 2023

Healthier and greener? Palm oil alternative partnership to scale up microalgae-based replacement

Healthier and greener? Palm oil alternative partnership to scale up microalgae-based replacement

30 Oct 2023 --- In a move toward reducing F&B’s reliance on palm oil, researchers in Singapore have joined forces with Eves Energy to scale up a palm oil replacer made from microalgae, through a microalgae oil producing plant in Indonesia. They deem it a nutritionally better, healthier and greener alternative to the widely used F&B fat that is often linked to deforestation and a range of human rights and environmental issues.

Indonesia is the world’s biggest producer of palm oil, where historically the haze-generating slash-and-burn method is used to clear land for palm tree plantations. The country is now trying to eradicate the method.

For the project, Eves Energy, a Singapore-based company that focuses on scaling up sustainable innovations that promote clean energy systems, is partnering with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU), which developed the plant-based oil. 

The technique was developed by a team led by Professor William Chen, the director of NTU’s Food Science and Technology Programme. 

“Microalgae exists in many different forms/species, rich in different macronutrients like carbohydrates, lipids, or proteins. Large scale cultivation of the species of choice would result in the benefits we want to have in terms of proteins or polyunsaturated oils,” he tells Food Ingredients First.

“We have developed a proprietary separation technology which allows us to separate oils from the biomass without generating secondary organic waste. Applied to the industry scale of microalgae oil separation, there would be significant impact on the environmental sustainability of the separation process.”

Currently, the oil extraction process takes less than an hour in the laboratory and the team is working to refine the process on industrial levels. 

The production facility covering an area of 3,000 sq km will be constructed on Indonesia’s Seram Island and is expected to be set up by 2026. The plant is expected to produce 1.2 million metric tons of microalgae oil and 1.2 million metric tons of algae cake, according to Dr. Lanz Chan, president & CEO of Eves Energy.

Two hands in blue gloves holding microalgae based oil and extract.Dr. Chan projects that the crude algae oil and the dry algae cake can be sold at US$600 per tonne (Image Credit: NTU).“The microalgae oil produced from this endeavor could serve as a sustainable renewable energy source and a greener alternative to palm oil. The production process involves the use of pyruvic acid and ultraviolet (UV) light to stimulate photosynthesis in the algae,” he tells us.

“In addition to being a palm oil alternative, the microalgae oil produced from this endeavor could also be a sustainable renewable energy source. The rest of the plant, which is edible, is then converted into algae cake, a nutrient-rich food product that can be converted into supplements, as well as used in food production as seaweed.”

Palm oil woes
Dr. Chan flags that key issues with palm oil usage plague the F&B industry.

“Palm oil is known for being rich in saturated fat. The conscious consumer views this as unhealthy because saturated fat intake and hydrogenated fat are often associated with increased rates of cardiovascular disease.”

He adds: “Many brands refuse to disclose their palm oil usage, making it difficult for consumers to make informed choices. For example, two-thirds of Singapore brands refuse to disclose their palm oil usage.”

Moreover, the widely demanded palm oil has drastic environmental impacts, too. 

“The high demand for palm oil has resulted in the destruction of large expanses of tropical rainforests to transform the land into oil palm plantations. This has a negative impact on wildlife and biodiversity caused by deforestation,” he underscores.

“Further, the palm oil industry is frequently linked with sustainability issues including deforestation and open burning (slash-and-burn agriculture) to accommodate the cultivation or replanting of oil palm.”

Palm oil production also faces the issue of being linked to labor exploitation.

Two men cutting a tree.High palm oil demand leads to rampant deforestation of tropical rainforests for oil palm plantations.“The US State Department has linked the palm oil industry in Malaysia and its neighbor Indonesia to exploitation and trafficking.”

Meanwhile, innovative efforts to reduce the F&B industry’s dependence on palm oil continue worldwide.

Last month, a team of researchers in Scotland discovered a palm fat replacer for bakery applications that claim to have the added benefits of being allergen-free, coconut-free and has no added sugar sweeteners.

AAK also introduced AkoVeg 117-14, a palm-free solution for plant-based chicken nugget formulations. 

Further, WNWN Food Labs has announced the launch of palm oil-free bars this week. 

Regulatory pressures are also driving formulators to look beyond palm oil. For instance, China’s infant formulas are exploring natural ingredients such as whole milk powder and milk fat that can reduce or replace the need for palm oil, according to the head of innovation advanced nutrition at Fonterra, China.

Microalgae as “carbon sinks”
According to Dr. Chan, large-scale production of microalgae has the potential to lower the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere by a projected 2.6 million metric tons. This happens because microalgae grow fast and undergo photosynthesis by absorbing gas and emitting oxygen, labeling them “carbon sinks.”

“Moreover, microalgae are making waves for their highly nutritious content and status as a natural, plant-based and sustainable “superfood biomass.” Therefore, the F&B industry might see this as an opportunity to incorporate a new, sustainable ingredient into their products while addressing environmental concerns related to palm oil production,” he underscores.

Spirulina powder in a spoon.F&B is tapping into microalgae species like spirulina and chlorella as protein sources, but more exploration is needed.Exploring microalgae for F&B applications is essential since out of its estimated 200,000 to 800,000 different species; only a limited number are available commercially, Liat Shemesh at Solabia-Algatech Nutrition told us earlier this year. 

The species currently being tapped as food sources of protein, iron, B vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants include spirulina, chlorella and – the more recently approved EU novel food – tetraselmis.

Alleviating palm oil pushback?
According to Prof Chen, NTU’s microalgae-based oil “alleviates” the pushback from the palm oil industry, and also provides those who are currently in the palm oil industry with a “new business option” and/or sustainable solution for their business development.

“The partnership would see industry adoption of NTU’s food tech innovation and its application in real world situations, including new options for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), alternative to palm oil and also new sources of foods/nutrients.”

Dr. Chan, too, is hopeful of the innovation’s potential and expects the F&B industry to have a positive reaction to the use of microalgae oil as a palm oil replacement. 

“This is because microalgae have recently attracted considerable interest worldwide due to their extensive application potential in the renewable energy, biopharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries. They are seen as renewable, sustainable, and economical sources of biofuels, bioactive medicinal products, and food ingredients,” he concludes.

By Insha Naureen

Source : https://www.foodingredientsfirst.com/news/healthier-and-greener-palm-oil-alternative-partnership-to-scale-up-microalgae-based-replacement.html


Senin, 30 Oktober 2023

Jokowi, Sri Mulyani & BI Buka-bukaan Situasi Kini Gawat

Jokowi, Sri Mulyani & BI Buka-bukaan Situasi Kini Gawat

NEWS - Tim Redaksi, CNBC Indonesia
27 October 2023 09:50

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Selepas pandemi Covid-19, ancaman dunia tidak berhenti begitu saja. Dunia dibayangi oleh situasi berat mulai dari perubahan iklim, perang yang muncul antara Palestina dan Israel serta fenomena suku bunga tinggi.

Kondisi ini diungkapkan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani dan pejabat negara lainnya. Jokowi mengungkapkan tantangan ekonomi ke depan semakin berat karena imbas gejolak yang terjadi di dunia seperti perubahan iklim hingga perang.

"Dunia semakin tidak jelas. Tantangan yang kita hadapi juga tidak semakin berkurang tapi semakin bertambah," kata Jokowi di Jakarta, Selasa (24/10/2023).

Dia menjabarkan seperti perubahan iklim sebelumnya dianggap sesuatu yang absurd, kini dampaknya sudah mulai terasa. Seperti kekeringan super El Nino yang membuat produksi beras hampir turun di semua negara.

"22 negara juga mengerem (ekspor pangan), stop tidak ekspor beras lagi ini lah kondisi yang dulu tidak pernah kita hitung tapi muncul," kata Jokowi.

Selain itu pelemahan ekonomi global terjadi, juga kebijakan yang diambil negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat seperti kenaikan suku bunga juga membuat situasi semakin rumit bagi negara berkembang.

"Capital outflow semua lari balik ke Amerika, semakin juga merumitkan kita semua," kata Jokowi.

Ditambah, lanjut Jokowi, peperangan yang belum jelas berakhir seperti Ukraina dengan Rusia. Kini ditambah dengan perang antara Hamas dan Israel juga semakin mengkhawatirkan. Karena berpotensi melebar hingga negara lainnya seperti Lebanon, Suriah, hingga Iran.

"Dan akan semakin merumitkan masalah ekonomi semua negara karena harga minyak pasti naik," ujarnya.

Jokowi pun mewanti-wanti semua pihak untuk mewaspadai sentimen ini terhadap ekonomi dalam negeri, baik dari sisi moneter maupun fiskal. Menurutnya meski Indonesia sudah memiliki arah kebijakan atau peta jalan untuk menopang ekonomi di masa depan seperti hilirisasi, namun masih harus detail diawasi dalam implementasinya.

"Kerja detail, di cek yang betul, kerja lapangan diawasi dan dicek di lapangan, artinya kerja mikro itu penting sekali, bottlenecking diselesaikan, memang kerja sekarang tidak bisa yang makro saja, tidak bisa, dan punya tim masing-masing untuk mengawal di lapangan," jelas Jokowi.

Sri Mulyani mengakui tekanan ekonomi global yang terjadi saat ini, seperti dampak dari kondisi peperangan yang terjadi di berbagai wilayah, seperti perang Rusia dan Ukraina serta Israel dan Palestina, gejolak tingginya harga komoditas energi dan pangan yang termasuk akibat fenomena El Nino, serta tren suku bunga yang tinggi berpotensi menekan ekonomi Indonesia mulai kuartal IV-2023.

Dia mengatakan, akibat kondisi tekanan global itu, pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia akan melemah ke level 4,86% pada kuartal IV-2023, dari asumsi awal sebesar 5,06%. Lalu, untuk keseluruhan tahun, akan melemah ke level 5,04% dari asumsi awal 5,09%, dan pada 2024 pelemahan ekonomi hanya akan tumbuh 5,08% dari asumsi di APBN 2024 sebesar 5,2%.

Sumber Kepusingan RI

Kementerian Keuangan juga mewaspadai penurunan harga komoditas unggulan Indonesia. Melandainya harga komoditas akan menggerus ekspor serta pendapatan masyarakat yang menggantungkan hidupnya dari komoditas, seperti di Kalimantan dan Sumatera.

Data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), secara kumulatif, nilai ekspor Indonesia Januari-September 2023 mencapai US$192,27 miliar. Nilai tersebut turun 12,34% dibanding periode yang sama tahun 2022.

Nilai ekspor batu bara Januari-September 2023 tercatat US$ 26,12 juta miliar atau ambruk 24,25% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Secara volume, ekspor batu bara periode Januari-September naik 1,4% menjadi 273,8 juta ton dibanding tahun sebelumnya (yoy).

Sementara itu, nilai ekspor CPO pada Januari-September 2023 mencapai US$ 17,3 miliar atau jeblok 15% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya. Sebagai catatan, nilai ekspor CPO dan batu bara menyumbang sekitar 30% kepada total ekspor Indonesia.

Imbas dari perlambatan ini menyebabkan kantong penerimaan negara susut. Data Kementerian Keuangan menunjukkan penerimaan bea keluar hanya mencapai Rp 8,2 triliun. Angka tersebut jeblok 78,1% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu.

Bea keluar produk sungkinan akan stabilizing jadi 2024 masih diliputi uncertainty mengenai pertumbuhan global yang akan cenderung melambat," kata Perry.

Maka dari itu, seluruh dunia memang harus mendorong permintaan domestik supaya pertumbuhan ekonomi masih tinggi.

Kedua, adalah meningkatnya tensi ketegangan geopolitik. Implikasinya paling nyata sudah terlihat pada harga minyak bumi dan pangan. Perry melihat kondisi ini akan memperlambat penurunan inflasi di banyak negara.

Ketiga, suku bunga acuan AS fed fund rate akan tinggi dalam waktu yang lama. Perry juga melihat akan ada kenaikan suku bunga acuan AS pada Desember 2023.

"Tapi kan ketidakpastian tinggi, meski naik atau tidak naik masih akan tetap tinggi khususnya di paruh pertama tahun depan baru mulai turun pada paruh kedua jadi kemungkinan akan begitu," ujar Perry.

Keempat, Perry menjelaskan kenaikan suku bunga acuan tidak hanya di jangka pendek tapi kebijakan moneter menaikkan suku bunga global jangka pendek. Sehingga US treasury sekarang naik.

"Jadi term higher for longer akan lebih tinggi untuk yield suku bunga obligasi pemerintah dari negara-negara maju," imbuhnya.

BI menilai ada probabilitas sekitar 40 persen, Fed Fund Rate akan naik pada Desember 2023 dan ketidakpastian tinggi.

Perry mengungkapkan kenaikan yield obligasi negara maju, termasuk US Treasury, dapat berdampak pada aliran modal di emerging market, termasuk Indonesia. Kelima, adalah dampaknya, di mana dolar AS begitu perkasa dan melemahkan mata uang banyak negara di dunia, termasuk rupiah. Perry pun mengakui penyebab rupiah terus melemah beberapa hari terakhir.

Menurutnya, kondisi ini tidak terlepas dari kecenderungan perilaku pasar keuangan ataupun investor yang lebih memilih memegang uang kertas dolar alias fenomena cash is the king.

Source : CNBC Indonesia


Kamis, 19 Oktober 2023

Rupiah Makin Babak Belur, Dolar AS Tembus Rp 15.829

 Rupiah Makin Babak Belur, Dolar AS Tembus Rp 15.829

Sylke Febrina Laucereno - detikFinance
Kamis, 19 Okt 2023 10:01 WIB

Jakarta - Nilai tukar rupiah hari ini mengalami pelemahan. Dikutip dari data RTI disebutkan Dolar AS tercatat Rp 15.829 atau menguat 101 poin atau 0,64%.
Rupiah dibuka pada posisi Rp 15.728 dengan level tertibggi Rp 15.829 dan level terendah Tp 15.8724. Secara mingguan dolar AS tercatat mengalami penguatan 0,53%. Kemudian secara tahunan menguat 1,66%.

Dolar AS bergerak variatif terhadap mata uang lainnya. Penguatan paling tinggi memang terjadi pada rupiah. Lalu diikuti penguatan terhadap dolar Australia yang kenguat 0,0036 poin atau 0,57%.

Kemudian Euro menguat, 0,01% dan terhadap British Pound menguat 0,06%. Selanjutnya terhadap Chinese Yuan melemah 0,05% dan terhadap Yen melemah, 0,06%. Kemudian terhadap dolar Singapura menguat 0,02%.

Minggu, 15 Oktober 2023



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