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Rabu, 06 Maret 2024

Rajin Olga, Tidak merokok tapi terkena stroke, mengapa?

Dari Kamar sebelah

Aku 0lah Raga

Aku tidak Merokok

Tapi Aku Kena Stroke,,,,,

Ini pengalaman pribadi.. aku rajin 

gowes & ikut salah satu komunitas di Surabaya & Indonesia.

Menurut saya ini sangat informatif dan sangat bermanfaat buat siapa saja.

Bukan saja untuk yg suka olah raga.

4 bulan yang lalu aku masih olah raga - bersepeda dan fitness... sangat fit dan sehat...

Tapi.. saya KENA STROKE...!.

Pagi hari tiba2 saat duduk sarapan terasa sekelilingku bergoyang dan tangan kaki kesemutan tidak bertenaga /lunglai.

5 hari di kamar opname 

RS Santo Yosef Bandung 

Hasil diagnosa / MRI aku terkena TIA (Trancient Ischemic Attack),ada plak di Otak Kecil & adanya kekentalan darah.

Tekanan darahnya normal 120/70,tapi darah kental, Kolestrol 268.

Keluar dari rumah sakit

tiap hari minum obat tiada habisnya...

Macam2 produk untuk kesehatan...

Merasakan kaki terasa melayang tdk bertenaga, 

Pakai tongkat leter U untuk belajar berdiri...

Kondisi seperti anak usia 2 th yang belajar jalan...

Sungguh kondisi yang tidak mudah...!!

Aku juga berpikir...

Kenapa aku bisa kena stroke

Dibawa olah raga rutin, tidak merokok/alkohol/begadang, baru aku tahu penyebab yang sebenarnya adalah :

Dahaga yang berkepanjangan... kekurangan air...!

Disini aku ingin ingatkan semua orang....

Ingatlah selalu untuk minum air... agar badan tidak kekurangan air...

Kita tiap hari perlu. :

Berat badan 1 kg = 30 cc

Berat badan 60 kg...

60x30 = 1800cc...(paling sedikit).

Kalo bepergian keluar bawalah persediaan air minum...

Ada org yang bilang minum banyak air bisa sering ke TOILET....

Jawaban saya adalah : Lebih baik sering ke TOILET dari pada kena STROKE...!

Tolong selalu DIINGAT.... :

● Sebelum/sesudah Olah Raga minum 1 gelas air.

● Sebelum/sesudah makan, minum 1 gelas air.

● Sebelum tidur... minum 1 gelas air hangat.

● Bangun tidur.... minum 1 gelas air hangat...

Semoga kita semua selalu sehat sampai tua....

Kupersembahkan pengalaman pribadiku untuk menjadi nasihat dan pertimbangan...

(Kalo air cukup... gak gampang kena stroke)

Ingat...!  STROKE bukan lagi penyakit Orang TUA dan LAKI2 saja, tapi Anak MUDA juga banyak yang kena STROKe...!!!

AIR yang CUKUP adalah jalan pencegahan....

Silakan dishare buat Keluarga, Semoga bermafaat  🙏

Source : belum ketemu penulis asli ya. 

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Rabu, 22 November 2023




Cegah penyumbatan kolesterol jahat, jauhi faktor utama stroke dari sekarang

Ekstrak buah pare
Ekstrak asam jawa
Ekstrak bawang putih
Ekstrak daun teh hijau
Ekstrak daun jati belanda

Manfaat yang terbukti secara ilmiah:
- Ekstrak buah pare
Kandungan antioksidan yang terkandung dalam pare cukup dominan, antara lain saponin, flavonoid, polifenol, vitamin A, B, dan C. Memiliki peran utama mencegah penumpukan plak pada dinding pembuluh darah melalui penghambatan oksidasi kolesterol jahat.

- Ekstrak daun teh hijau
Kandungan epigallocatechin-3-gallate pada teh hijau, merupakan bioaktif alami yang berperan dominan dalam menekan patogenis berbagai penyakit, khususnya penyakit kardiovaskuler. Sebagai hipolipidemia, terbukti secara signifikan menurutnkan kadar kolesterol dalam darah.

Aturan minum:
2 x 2 kapsul / hari setelah makan

Hati-hati mengkonsumsi produk ini bersama dengan obat pengencer darah (antikoagulan) dan jika akan menjalani operasi, segera konsultasikan ke dokter.

Detail produk:
Ijin BPOM TR213390811
Isi 30 kapsul
Berat 500mg


Rp. 150.000,-

Pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami 



1 Neaolgae Daily Isi 30 Kapsul
1 Kolesherb Obat Herbal Kolesterol

- Neoalgae Daily mengandung Asam Lenoleat yang dapat membantu mengeliminasi kolesterol dalam darah sehingga kadar kolesterol dapat di turunkan ke ambang batas normal.
- Kolesherb  dengan ekstrak alami dari daun pare dan teh hijau efektif untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat dalam tubuh.

Saran Konsumsi:
- Neoalgae Daily
  1x2 kapsul per hari setelah bangun tidur
- Kolesherb
  2x2 kapsul per hari setelah makan (siang dan sore)

Rp. 275.000,-

Pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami 

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Gerak jadi lebih ringan, bebas panas akibat nyeri sendi dan kesemutan

Ekstrak daun tempuyung
Ekstrak meniran
Ekstrak kunyit
Ekstrak sambiloto

Manfaat yang terbukti secara ilmiah:
Mengandung senyawa aktif curcumin yang berperan sebagai antibakteri, antitumor, antikanker, antioksidan, antiseptik, dan antiinflamasi yang dapat mengurangi rasa nyeri pada sendi, mempertahankan fungsi sendi dan mencegah terjadinya kelumpuhan.

~ Sambiloto
Mengandung senyawa andrographolide sebagai anti-inflamasi sehingga dapat membantu mengatasi stroke, radang sendi, dapat menangkal radikal bebas, dan dapat meurunkan rasa nyeri sendi serta jumlah sendi yang bengkak.

Aturan minum:
2 x 2 kapsul / hari setelah makan

Detail produk:
Ijin BPOM TR: 223009921
Isi 30 kapsul
Berat 500mg

Pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami 

PAKET ANTI NYERI ( Neoalgae & Senguard )


Paket Anti Nyeri Sendi

1 Neoalgae Daily Isi 30 Kapsul
1 Senguard Obat Herbal Sendi Tulang Sehat

- Omega 3 di dalam Neoalgae Daily memiliki kandungan decosahexaenoic acid dan eicosapentaenoic acid, yang memiliki efek anti peradangan. 

- Senguard dengan kandungan utama ekstrak kunyit mengandung senyawa aktif curcumin yang memiliki efek sebagai antiinflamasi sehingga dapat membantu mengurangi rasa nyeri pada sendi, mempertahankan fungsi sendi dan mencegah terjadinya kelumpuhan dengan cara menghambat protein Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) merupakan enzim yang berperan dalam memediasi proses inflamasi.

Saran Konsumsi:
  1x2 kapsul per hari setelah bangun tidur

- Senguard 
  2x2 kapsul per hari setelah makan (siang dan sore)

*Salam Sehat untuk Anda dan Kel, Anda sehat keluarga Bahagia*

Rabu, 01 November 2023

Healthier and greener? Palm oil alternative partnership to scale up microalgae-based replacement

Healthier and greener? Palm oil alternative partnership to scale up microalgae-based replacement

30 Oct 2023 --- In a move toward reducing F&B’s reliance on palm oil, researchers in Singapore have joined forces with Eves Energy to scale up a palm oil replacer made from microalgae, through a microalgae oil producing plant in Indonesia. They deem it a nutritionally better, healthier and greener alternative to the widely used F&B fat that is often linked to deforestation and a range of human rights and environmental issues.

Indonesia is the world’s biggest producer of palm oil, where historically the haze-generating slash-and-burn method is used to clear land for palm tree plantations. The country is now trying to eradicate the method.

For the project, Eves Energy, a Singapore-based company that focuses on scaling up sustainable innovations that promote clean energy systems, is partnering with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU), which developed the plant-based oil. 

The technique was developed by a team led by Professor William Chen, the director of NTU’s Food Science and Technology Programme. 

“Microalgae exists in many different forms/species, rich in different macronutrients like carbohydrates, lipids, or proteins. Large scale cultivation of the species of choice would result in the benefits we want to have in terms of proteins or polyunsaturated oils,” he tells Food Ingredients First.

“We have developed a proprietary separation technology which allows us to separate oils from the biomass without generating secondary organic waste. Applied to the industry scale of microalgae oil separation, there would be significant impact on the environmental sustainability of the separation process.”

Currently, the oil extraction process takes less than an hour in the laboratory and the team is working to refine the process on industrial levels. 

The production facility covering an area of 3,000 sq km will be constructed on Indonesia’s Seram Island and is expected to be set up by 2026. The plant is expected to produce 1.2 million metric tons of microalgae oil and 1.2 million metric tons of algae cake, according to Dr. Lanz Chan, president & CEO of Eves Energy.

Two hands in blue gloves holding microalgae based oil and extract.Dr. Chan projects that the crude algae oil and the dry algae cake can be sold at US$600 per tonne (Image Credit: NTU).“The microalgae oil produced from this endeavor could serve as a sustainable renewable energy source and a greener alternative to palm oil. The production process involves the use of pyruvic acid and ultraviolet (UV) light to stimulate photosynthesis in the algae,” he tells us.

“In addition to being a palm oil alternative, the microalgae oil produced from this endeavor could also be a sustainable renewable energy source. The rest of the plant, which is edible, is then converted into algae cake, a nutrient-rich food product that can be converted into supplements, as well as used in food production as seaweed.”

Palm oil woes
Dr. Chan flags that key issues with palm oil usage plague the F&B industry.

“Palm oil is known for being rich in saturated fat. The conscious consumer views this as unhealthy because saturated fat intake and hydrogenated fat are often associated with increased rates of cardiovascular disease.”

He adds: “Many brands refuse to disclose their palm oil usage, making it difficult for consumers to make informed choices. For example, two-thirds of Singapore brands refuse to disclose their palm oil usage.”

Moreover, the widely demanded palm oil has drastic environmental impacts, too. 

“The high demand for palm oil has resulted in the destruction of large expanses of tropical rainforests to transform the land into oil palm plantations. This has a negative impact on wildlife and biodiversity caused by deforestation,” he underscores.

“Further, the palm oil industry is frequently linked with sustainability issues including deforestation and open burning (slash-and-burn agriculture) to accommodate the cultivation or replanting of oil palm.”

Palm oil production also faces the issue of being linked to labor exploitation.

Two men cutting a tree.High palm oil demand leads to rampant deforestation of tropical rainforests for oil palm plantations.“The US State Department has linked the palm oil industry in Malaysia and its neighbor Indonesia to exploitation and trafficking.”

Meanwhile, innovative efforts to reduce the F&B industry’s dependence on palm oil continue worldwide.

Last month, a team of researchers in Scotland discovered a palm fat replacer for bakery applications that claim to have the added benefits of being allergen-free, coconut-free and has no added sugar sweeteners.

AAK also introduced AkoVeg 117-14, a palm-free solution for plant-based chicken nugget formulations. 

Further, WNWN Food Labs has announced the launch of palm oil-free bars this week. 

Regulatory pressures are also driving formulators to look beyond palm oil. For instance, China’s infant formulas are exploring natural ingredients such as whole milk powder and milk fat that can reduce or replace the need for palm oil, according to the head of innovation advanced nutrition at Fonterra, China.

Microalgae as “carbon sinks”
According to Dr. Chan, large-scale production of microalgae has the potential to lower the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere by a projected 2.6 million metric tons. This happens because microalgae grow fast and undergo photosynthesis by absorbing gas and emitting oxygen, labeling them “carbon sinks.”

“Moreover, microalgae are making waves for their highly nutritious content and status as a natural, plant-based and sustainable “superfood biomass.” Therefore, the F&B industry might see this as an opportunity to incorporate a new, sustainable ingredient into their products while addressing environmental concerns related to palm oil production,” he underscores.

Spirulina powder in a spoon.F&B is tapping into microalgae species like spirulina and chlorella as protein sources, but more exploration is needed.Exploring microalgae for F&B applications is essential since out of its estimated 200,000 to 800,000 different species; only a limited number are available commercially, Liat Shemesh at Solabia-Algatech Nutrition told us earlier this year. 

The species currently being tapped as food sources of protein, iron, B vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants include spirulina, chlorella and – the more recently approved EU novel food – tetraselmis.

Alleviating palm oil pushback?
According to Prof Chen, NTU’s microalgae-based oil “alleviates” the pushback from the palm oil industry, and also provides those who are currently in the palm oil industry with a “new business option” and/or sustainable solution for their business development.

“The partnership would see industry adoption of NTU’s food tech innovation and its application in real world situations, including new options for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), alternative to palm oil and also new sources of foods/nutrients.”

Dr. Chan, too, is hopeful of the innovation’s potential and expects the F&B industry to have a positive reaction to the use of microalgae oil as a palm oil replacement. 

“This is because microalgae have recently attracted considerable interest worldwide due to their extensive application potential in the renewable energy, biopharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries. They are seen as renewable, sustainable, and economical sources of biofuels, bioactive medicinal products, and food ingredients,” he concludes.

By Insha Naureen

Source :


Kamis, 05 Oktober 2023



Memperingati HUT TNI KE-78, NEOALGAE DAILY  diundang mengikuti rangkaian Pameran TNI AD FAIR 2023 di MONAS pada tanggal 25-27 September 2023 sebagai produk unggulan untuk mengatasi permasalahan STUNTING ✨

Hanya dalam 2 bulan saja, dari 100 balita stunting 52 balita di antaranya terbebas dari stunting, dengan rincian :

✅ 98 balita naik Tinggi Badannya

✅ 87 balita naik Berat Badannya

#Bersama Rakyat, TNI KUAT

#Bersama Neoalgae, STUNTING TUNTAS

Next Topics :

Selasa, 19 September 2023


 Test darah sebelum dan sesudah minum kan'gen water ( Air sehat berenergi )

Salam sehat buat kita semua..remember " Change your water...Change your life.."

Salam semangat pagi selalu sehat ceria, usaha lancar jaya : jangan batasi dirimu dengan pikiran sempit

 Salam semangat pagi selalu sehat..berkah dalem buat teman-teman semua.

Tidak ada yang mungkin dan tidak akan tahu berhasil atau tidak nya sebelum Anda mencoba.

Kadang Pikiran membatasi kemampuan, Kalo Anda berpikir saya tidak bisa maka itulah yang terjadi, tapi bila Anda mengatakan saya pasti bisa dan saya akan mencoba nya maka pikiran akan mencari cara agar apa yang Anda inginkan tercapai.

Point : Jangan batasi pikiran, hadapai segala hambatan, tantangan dengan optimis!!

Ganbatte 💪🙏😃

Salam Mestakung ( Semesta Mendukung...)

Next Topics : 

Rabu, 19 Juli 2023

Hello salam semangat pagi....selalu sehat ceria...Have Positive minset for your succes

 Is it possible to fail several times and succeed once?

Mark Zuckerberg, owner of Facebook, invited five people 18 years ago to his Harvard room.

Reason? Talk to them about a business opportunity. Only two came to the meeting, listened and helped their project.

Today both are billionaires: Dustin Moskovitz with more than 17.8 billion dollars and Eduardo Saverin with more than 20 billion dollars.

When a friend comes to talk about a business opportunity, always have an open mind!


Apakah mungking seseorang bisa mengalami kegagalan beberapa kali dan hanya mengalami sukses satu kali ? 

Mark Zukerberg, kenal? kalo gak kenal kebangetan ya ..Iya, beliau adalah pemilik bisnis Facebook, 18 tahun yang lalu,  Beliau pernah mengundang 5 orang untuk membicarakan peluang bisnis di ruangnya di harvard. 

Tahukah Anda? hanya 2 orang yang menghadiri undangan yang serius mendengarkan dan membantu dalam project bisnis Mark Zukerberg. 

Mereka itulah yang hari ini menjadi seorang yang kaya raya, Mereka itu adalah Dustin Moskovitz dengan pendapatan 17.8 billion dollars and Eduardo Saverin dengan pendapatan 20 billion dollars.

Kesimpulan :
Kalo ada teman yang mengajak kita bertemu dan menawarkan peluang bisnis jangan skeptis atau berpandangan negatif dulu, dengarkan dulu saja , buka pikiran. 

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